PATC 1960 Gear List

 PATC - Hiking, Camping and Mountaineering Equipment, 1960

 PATC - Hiking, Camping and Mountaineering Equipment, 1960

I came across this great guide in a dusty Portland bookstore. It is a truly exhaustive list of all the gear available to the hiker, climber and mountaineer in the early 60's. This is a real gem, it has details about the brands, the weight of the items as well as the details of which companies make them. Excuse the long post, but I love an gear list.

Their suggested gear list for hiking the Appalachian Trail is as follows:

On Person Handkerchief (Bean’s 24” bandana); Polythylene plastic bag 9” x 18” (Gerry#P62) for toilet paper Valuables, permits, keys, small note book and pencil stub, pocket knife with 2 blades, can opener Small compass induction damped (Gerry #K42 or Silva “Explorer” Stern Waterproof match box with small size strike-anywhere matches sprayed with laquer like Krylon Alarm Watch (Corcoran) Maps and proper guide book sheets in map case (PATC) — Carry in front of shirt Camera Equipment

Pack and Contents A. For use while hiking Kelty “Mountaineer” Model Packboard of proper size used with waist strap and equiped with studs or loops at of vertical risers for easy lashing. Lashed to topbar — Ruck - or rucksask (Camp and Trail #300) with “Dee” ring hooked on stud secured to top of cross bar, shoulder straps of rucksack wrapped around cross-bar, then brought down and snapped into “dee” rings at base of rucksack. Kelty Packbag Model “B” if no side trips are planned (for side trips the first option permits leaving the pack frame in base camp and carrying out essentials in the rucksack). With the rucksack arrangement, items not required during the day are placed in a rubberized clothing bag which is lashed below the rucksack, heavy items at the top. Cup – miner’s cup with wire loop handle (Sierra Club or PATC — same manufacturer). Canteen – 1qt. aluminum fuel bottle (Camp & Trail #367) or 1 qt aluminum Army surplus in pocket of pack. Shoes – Pete Limmer Mountaineer Boot; for wet spring and fall, use Beans’s Maine Hunting shoe with Bean’s arched inner sole or felt insole, as preferred. Sock – Inner - light wool surplus. Outer - cushion sole 50-50 wool and cotton since no nylon cushion sole available. Also Wigwam #620 or Epsy all nylon. Trousers – Masland Mountain brier cloth in cold weather(surplus trouser, hell Field M-1951 is best but not too available). Sears 11 oz denim, not Levi — legs are too narrow — in warmer weather. Shirt – According to weather. Pandleton wool 10oz Woolrich 14oz. Two button-down flap pockets essential. Jacket – Full zip parka (Holubar) Underwear – In summer, Brynje top, regular shorts (not jockey shorts, which permit chaffing) In winter, wool and cotton, long drawers. In very cold weather, over Brynjes warm surplus pajama-style 50-50 wool and cotton, long drawers and long sleeved undershirt with 3-button front for ventilation. Hat or cap as desired; billed cap or felt hat. Rain garments – Superlight rubber coated nylon parka (Bean) with Horcolite rain chaps (Holubar). First Aid Kit. Insect repellent – OFF Anti sun-cream _ Glacier Red Label for lips and face; after tanning Sea and Ski.

B. For use in camp Sleeping bag. Summer: Ski Hut Meadow-S; Fall and Winter: Holubar’s Royalite; Ski Hut Meadow-C; Army Surplus. Use Summer and winter bags, nested, during coldest weather. Cook Set and Stove – Atenhofer with Primus 71 (Holubar), sizes to suit 1, 2, 3 men. Gasoline in aluminum gas bottles, 1 pt. or 1 qt. (Gerry to Camp & Trail). Axe – Not needed if cook on gasoline stove. Fire inspirator - 24” x ¼” inside diameter 1/16” wall pure gum tubing (any chemical supply house). Invaluable with cranky wood fires. Doubles as tourniquet. Salt and Pepper – plastic (Boy Scout cat. No. 1411). For larger amounts use polyethylene bottles. Spoon and Fork – nesting aluminum (Gerry #A45). Flashlight – 2-cell medium size. Extra bulk. Cellulose Impregnated Sea Salt Tablets (Morton’s) Sewing Kit - 2 needles, little thread, in first aid equipment. Reserve matches and reserve toilet paper in waterproof containers. Toilet articles – Toothbrush and small paste; powder in cold weather; hotel-sized soap in bobby pin plastic box; razor blades, brushless shave cream (if shave). Tent – Holubar Royalite, Gerry Yearound. Air Mattress – Nylon Rubber, full length (Camp & Trail #268); Stebco Backpacker 46” (Ski Hut).

C. Food - Use polyethylene bags except for canned meats which should be limited. Bag food on polyethylene and place in a cambric sack for protection from chaffing. Jam in wide-mouth polyethylene jar, screw top (Ski Hut). Oleo (higher melting point than butter) in aluminum screw-top jar with plastic liner. (Benjamin Edington).
— PATC - Hiking, Camping and Mountaineering Equipment, 1960
Posted on January 24, 2012 and filed under Gear List.

Tea Chronicles Pt.4 - Colin Fletcher

Fletcher at camp

Fletcher at camp

This is a tea story I've been looking forward to posting but has taken a little preperation.

As a British ex-pat Colin Fletcher upheld the "Britanic Afternoon Tea" ritual despite having lived away from Blighty for more than a quarter of a century. In "The Complete Walker Pt. 3" Fletcher details his approach to tea and hiking.

A little to my surprise, I find plain, straightforward Lipton tea the best for sheer resuscitation power. Thirty bags see even me through the thirstiest week. I normally include a few fancier jobs, mint- or orange- or cinnamon flavored, for rest-day kicks.
— Colin Fletcher -The Complete Walkerm, 1984

Fletcher goes on, in his unique and entertaining way, to detail the use of both tea, coffee and cocoa. He quotes a paper by the Addictions Research Foundation of Ontario.This gives the hard line on the effects of caffeine. Fletcher however  jumps to the defence of tea calling coffee and cocoa "mere foods" and "such calumnies against tea are enough to depress the mood, if not the performance of an Un-British Activities Committee"

In weighing up the pluses and minuses of loose leaf vs. tea bags vs. tea powder he provides a recipe for a blend given to him by "a lover of tea and a hater of tea bags"

The blend is

3 parts Darjeeling
3 parts Keemun
1 part Ceylon
A dash of Lapsang Suchong

which, he avers can actually be smoked and “will cure all ills, including future smoking of anything. You carry such leaves in a Ziploc plastic bag and steep by means of a lightweight metal basket.
— Colin Fletcher -The Complete Walkerm, 1984

This I had to try, I sourced the various teas and the blend is complete. It's a delicious hearty black tea- a no-nonsense blend.  I am a big fan of Russian Caravan Tea and this is similar with Keemun and the dash of Lapsang Suchong but the Celyon gives it a lighter edge steering it a little closer to an English style tea.

A lover of tea and a hater of tea bags blend

A lover of tea and a hater of tea bags blend

I was so impressed I've made a full batch if anyone out there is interested in trying some shoot me an email and I'll figure the best way to get it out to you.

Posted on January 12, 2012 and filed under Tea.

Pacific Crest Trail

William R. Gray - The Pacific Crest Trail, 1975

William R. Gray - The Pacific Crest Trail, 1975

I just finished reading "The Pacific Crest Trail" by William R. Gray, published by the National Geographic Society. This is a terrific book, well worth hunting down. Gray is a gifted writer, mixing natural history, trail history and a diary style narrative as he and photographer Sam Abell walk the trail. There is a strong focus on the people they meet and their stories. Their intention was never to thru-hike, this meant they were able to stop along the way to explore, expanding the narrative. Abell's photographs are exceptional, they are very artistic and complement Gray's writing perfectly.

Gray continued as a writer, editor, and publishing executive at National Geographic until 2001 and now teaches as San Juan college. His other books include "Camping Adventure (Books For Young Explorers)" and "Voyages to Paradise," both are now on my wish list. Abell continues to shoot with National Geographic and has been published in over 20 articles. He has also released several photography books and exhibited his work numerous times. See more of Abels work here.

Mawson's Hut

Mawson's Hut, Cape Denison

Mawson's Hut, Cape Denison

Sir Douglas Mawson was an Australian geologist, explorer and accedemic during the early 1900s. So much has been written about this great man I do not feel qualified to add any more, but I came across a fascinating site which I wanted to share. At "360 Cities" they have a full 360 view inside Mawson's hut at Cape Denison. Looking around this preserved piece of history sends shivers up my spine.

It is well worth taking some time exploring this amazing place.
 Explore the Main Hut hereMawsons Room here and Frank Hurley's Darkroom here

This was the main base used during the 1911-14 Australasian Antarctic Expedition. Where Mawson stumbled back to, alone, after his ill-fated 1912 outing to survey King George V Land. His fellow explorers Xavier Mertz and Lieutenant Belgrave Ninnis had been killed forcing Mawson to walk the last 100 miles solo. Take a moment to pay your respects at Ninnis and Mertz Memorial Cross, Azimuth Hill.

Mawson's hut is being preserved by the Mawson's Huts Foundation and the Australian Antarctic Division.

Posted on December 31, 2011 and filed under Hero.

Safe Travels

'Sure-enough Santa Clause' by Norman Rockwell, from The Boy scout's hike book

'Sure-enough Santa Clause' by Norman Rockwell, from The Boy scout's hike book

Thanks to everyone for reading this year. It's been great to share some stories and talk to so many amazing people. There's lots more to come in the new years. I'm overseas for the holidays, then back to my first Maine winter, my first cold winter in 7 years!

Safe travels wherever you are headed. Hope everyone can get some time on a trail, wherever it may be. Thanks again for reading.

Posted on December 23, 2011 and filed under VHD.

Tea Chronicle Pt. 3 - Thomas Hiram Holding

Campfire in the backwoods

Campfire in the backwoods

Hiram Holding was a British journeyman, tailor and early pioneer of camping. His love for the outdoors began in the 1850's when, as a 9 year old, his family joined a wagon train across the USA. He released “The Campers Handbook” in 1908 urging people embrace the outdoors. The book is an exhaustive resource full of technique and philosophy. Under "Stews and beverages" we also find his opinions on tea and the best way to make it.

We will assume, for the nonce, that the camper has a “Primus,” stove, on which he has used some such vessel as the “So-soon” pan. He need not wait long for the water to boil, for the power and rapidity of the stove’s action is well known. He will have to consider, to begin with, if his Tea is intended to be weak or strong. We will say just moderate. Then he must have a pint and half of water for two. Into this he would put a tea-spoonful of Tea, as it boils—in which case he would instantly lift it off—or into the pan directly it is off. I deem it best to pop the Tea in as the water boils. Now I have known ladies to lift their hands in horror as they have seen me perform this move, and say, “what, boil Tea!” No, it did not boil five seconds. The Tea simply had the first “ bite” of the water at boiling point. As it stands in the pan off the fire it becomes degrees under boiling point in a few moments, and yet boiling point has power and influence over the TEA that cooler water can never possess. After the Tea is inserted in the pan the lid should be put on, with a paper or other cover over it. The Tea will be none the worse for a stir. If Tea is put into a strainer this should be removed pretty soon.
— Thomas Hiram Holding

Holding goes on anecdotally about the various do's and don'ts and summarises in his own comedic fashion.

There are various fads about Tea, into which we need not enter, viz., that it must be taken out of a porcelain cup, that the sugar must go in the cup first, or that the sugar must go in after, or that the milk must precede the sugar, and so on, ad lib. It makes one wonder when we hear all this, how men and women have’ managed to live in spite of their stupidity which has led them to tempt Providence by so much recklessness in their food.
— Thomas Hiram Holding

"The Campers Handbook" is certainly from another time but at its core it is all valid, relevant writing. I look forward to sharing more.

Posted on December 17, 2011 and filed under Tea.

John "Snowshoe" Thompson

Snowshoe Thompson

Snowshoe Thompson

Snowshoe Thompson was a legendary Norweigen-American, often cited as being the father of California skiing. In 1855 he answered an ad in the Sacremento Union “People Lost to the World; Uncle Sam Needs a Mail Carrier” he vonlunteered to carry the mail across the crest of the Sierra between Placerville, California and Genoa, Nevada. During the winter months he was the only link between California and the Atlantic States.

Originally from the Telemark county in Norway he mimicked the Norwegian "ski–skates" crafting 10 foot long, 6 inch wide skis from valley oak. For 2o winters he took to the high passes through Hope Valley, carrying up to 100 pounds of mail on his back. The rountrip was 220 miles and took him 5 days. He always travelled alone and never took a map or compass stating "There is no danger of getting lost in a narrow range of mountains like the Sierra, if a man has his wits about him." Thompson took great pride in his work and never received payment for his service.

Jill Beede has written a fascinating history  well worth checking out. Her summary of his gear is particularly interesting.

Thompson always wore a Mackinaw jacket, a wide rimmed hat, and covered his face in charcoal to prevent snow blindness. He carried no blankets, but he did carry matches to start fires, and his bible. He snacked on dried sausage, jerked beef, crackers, and biscuits. When a storm kept him from proceeding he would find a flat rock, clear it of snow, and dance old Norwegian folk dances until it passed, then he would continue on his way. He rested but briefly, and usually only long enough for a crust to form back over the fresh snow, for easier passage.
— Jill Beede

As with a lot of historic heros it is hard to get hard facts but either way it is a great story, there has been a lot written about the great man the most in depth study I came across was by the Norwegian-American Historical Association which is well worth a look.

Posted on December 8, 2011 and filed under Hero.

Treeless Maple Syrup - The Results

Treeless Maple Syrup Testing

Treeless Maple Syrup Testing

So the verdict is in. A few weeks ago I went about creating "Treeless Maple Syrup" - this was a recipe of Bradford Angier's that I found in “Taming the Wilds.”  As advised I left it to mature and this morning the frying pan went on and the secret pancake mix was made up.

The syrup had taken a strange turn, the sugar all sank and solidified leaving a strange coloured liquid on top. I gave it a good mix and it became thick and caramel like. Once on the pancakes it was actually surprisingly good. A little gritty and extremely sweet, without any hint of potato. My fellow diners both found it "passable, with a weird texture" I was very happy the results. It doesn't really shine a light on maple syrup but a servicable replacement if you cant get hold of the real stuff.

Maple syrup season is nearly upon us and we have been invited to a syrup cook-out in New Hampshire, so my maple syrup adventure continues.

Posted on December 5, 2011 and filed under Recipe.

C. William Harrison's 1965 Gear List

First book of hiking

First book of hiking

Found in Harrison's "The First Book of Hiking" published in 1965, this concise yet poetic book is beautifully illustrated by E. Frank Habbas.

Here is a list of items that should be included in the pack of any hiker who expects to be on the trail for several days.

1 mummy-type sleeping bag (or from three to four lightweight wool blankets) 1 poncho 1 pair camp moccasins or sneakers Extra underwear, shirt, wool socks 3 bandanas 1 pair extra extra bootlaces Canteen and drinking cup First-aid kit Snakebite kit Antiallergin kit Soap, towel, tissue, and other toilet articles Waterproof matches Pocket or sheath knife Rope (25- or 50-foor length) Insect repellent Flashlight and candles (preferably plumbers candles because they burn longer) Cooking kit (nesting pots, frying pan, forks, spoons, can opener, scouring pads, paper or aluminium plates Sewing kit Mosquito netting Camera and film
— C. William Harrison - The First Book of Hiking, 1965

I particularly like the sound of plumbers candles.

Posted on November 30, 2011 and filed under Gear List.