Belstaff Dalesman
After several years of looking I have finally found a Belstaff Dalesman. This is quite a sentimental piece for me; it was the top my father used to wear when I was growing up and is one of my favorite pieces of vintage outdoor gear. The Dalesman is a smock style, pullover jacket made of super heavyweight cotton; it has an awesome colour pallet, a huge map pocket across the front and an amazing vintage vibe.
Although originally famed for their motorbike jackets (and now their filmstar leather jackets) Belstaff did make a line of outdoor gear in the 1980's. This included the Dalesman, the Derwent and Sir Chris Bonnington's signature jacket. I have found scant information about the Belstaff outdoor range and have tried to get in touch with them a few times, but as yet I have not got a response. If anyone has any information about this gear I would love to get the story straight.
Ol rocking the Dalesman
I found the jacket on eBay and probably payed far too much for it but some sometimes you just have to.